• Sept 18–20, 2024
  • Small Star
  • Seattle's Eastside


Adventurers Wanted

Justify Your Trip

Hi [boss name],

This September 18-20, Temporal is holding their third annual Replay conference in Seattle, and I think it would be a great use of my time to attend. As you may know, I have been using Temporal technology to help us move faster and build more reliable apps. It is a developer-first tool that I have found pretty useful.

The conference will be a good use of time as it will help me:

  1. Gain insight into how others use Temporal. They have speakers lined up from Netflix, Twilio, Yum brands, HashiCorp, Datadog, Microsoft, AWS, Stripe, and more.
  2. Get hands-on learning in a full day hands-on training on Temporal from the people who built it. Alternatively, we could participate in the conference hackathon as well.
  3. Network within the Temporal community. They expect over 600 forward-thinking developers, including beginners and more experienced Temporal users, to attend.

Attending this conference would greatly benefit my professional growth and success.

What do you think? Looking forward to hearing from you.

