• Sept 18–20, 2024
  • Small Star
  • Seattle's Eastside


Adventurers Wanted

Justify Your Trip

Hi [boss name],

This September 18-20, Temporal is holding their third annual Replay conference in Seattle, and I think it would be a great use of my time to attend. As you may know, I have been using Temporal technology to help us move faster and build more reliable apps. It is a developer-first tool that I have found pretty useful.

The conference will be a good use of time as it will help me:

  1. Gain insight into how others use Temporal. They have speakers lined up from Netflix, Twilio, Yum brands, HashiCorp, Datadog, Microsoft, AWS, Stripe, and more.
  2. Get hands-on learning in a full day hands-on training on Temporal from the people who built it. Alternatively, we could participate in the conference hackathon as well.
  3. Network within the Temporal community. They expect over 600 forward-thinking developers, including beginners and more experienced Temporal users, to attend.

It’s worth noting that the Replay conference offers an early bird discount, making the registration more cost-effective if we act promptly. Attending this conference would greatly benefit my professional growth and success.

What do you think? Looking forward to hearing from you.

