• Sept 18–20, 2024
  • Small Star
  • Seattle's Eastside


Adventurers Wanted

Frequently Asked Questions

How long is each day? What do the different days entail?

Replay is a three-day conference. Day 0 (September 18) will offer a full day (9am - 5pm) of language-specific workshops designed to help you learn or sharpen your Temporal skills. Day 1 and 2 (September 19-20) will feature talks and interactive sessions centered around use of Temporal and backend development. The agenda consists of use cases and practical how-to talks. You will walk away with lots of practical information. The sessions for Day 1 and 2 will take place from 9am - 5pm with ample breaks in the schedule.

Will the event be livestreamed?

We do not currently have streaming available for the event; however, all sessions will be recorded and available post event.

May I submit a talk for the conference?

Unfortunately our CFP closed on June 7th. Please check back next year to submit a talk for Replay 2025.

Will there be workshops?

Yes. We will have workshops for those who are newer to Temporal as well as those who are very familiar. Details below:

Temporal: Developer Fundamentals

This course is intended for developers who have little or no prior experience with Temporal

This track includes two training courses:

  1. Temporal 101: Introducing the Temporal Platform (3 hours)

  2. Temporal 102: Exploring Durable Execution (4 hours)

Temporal: Beyond the Basics

This course is intended for developers who have previously completed our Temporal 101 and 102 courses.

This track includes two training courses:

  1. Interacting with Workflows (3 hours)

2. Crafting an Error Handling Strategy (3 hours)

Last year you had an awesome after party, will there be one of those again?

On the evening of September 19th Temporal will host a party from 6:00pm -9:00pm at Forum Social House. The address is: North Tower, Lincoln Square, 700 Bellevue Way NE STE 300, Bellevue, WA 98004. The venue is a short walk from the Hyatt Regency Bellevue.

Will there be time to socialize with my fellow conference attendees?

There are ample breaks in the schedule, and some of the sessions are designed to be interactive. Also, the opening party will be a great place to socialize and network with your peers.

Where can I hear the latest news on Replay 2024?

Join Temporal Community Slack and look for the channel: replay-user-conf.

Other Questions

Which is the easiest airport to fly into for Replay 2024?

Seatac airport (SEA) services Seattle and has regular flights from all major hubs. 

Are there meals included during the conference? Coffee?

Yes. Breakfast, lunch, and coffee will be provided each day and snacks and light food will be available in the evening on September 19th at the official Replay party!

Will there be Wi-Fi at the venue?

Yes. Wi-Fi will be available for free to all conference attendees.

Ticketing Questions

Will tickets cost the same until the day of the event or will the price increase?

Super early bird pricing will end on March 7th. Early bird pricing will end on July 1st. If attending Replay is a financial hardship for you, please contact replay@temporal.io to discuss options.

Are there group discounts available?

Yes, save 20% when you buy 4 or more tickets. Please contact replay@temporal.io

What if I need a visa letter in order to attend?

If you require a visa letter to attend the Replay conference, please email replay@temporal.io.